The MIT Police are working in conjunction with other local police agencies regarding a woman who reported being sexually assaulted at the Sigma Chi fraternity at 532 Beacon Street, Boston, MA between the hours of 1:00 AM and 2:00 AM on October 15, 2017.
There is no suspect or suspect description at this time.
The MIT Police Department was notified today, October 20, 2017, of a sexual assault that took place in the early morning hours of Sunday, October 15, 2017. The victim/survivor states she was using the bathroom in the basement of the fraternity house between 1:00 AM and 2:00 AM. As she used the stall an unknown male suspect was using the urinal in the same bathroom. After she left the bathroom stall the suspect approached and sexually assaulted her. She tried to leave, but noticed the door was locked. She unlocked the door and immediately left with her friends, who were outside the bathroom door.
The incident was reported to another police agency before being reported to the MIT Police. The incident is being actively investigated by MIT Police at least one other agency.
Rape Prevention and Awareness Education:
MIT is committed to educating the campus community in ways to prevent sexual assault. Throughout the academic year and during orientation, the Violence Prevention and Response, the Office of the Dean for Student Life, the MIT Police, and certain student organizations deliver educational programs to students, employees, and other members of the community. These sessions provide information on preventing sexual assault and rape, supporting friends who are survivors of sexual assault, security programs, residence hall and Institute-wide regulations and behavior standards, and an outline of the resources available to members of the MIT community.
For educational programs and information on preventing sexual assault and getting support for survivors, contact the Violence Prevention and Response at or call 617 253-2300.
The MIT Police have specially trained men and women officers who investigate sexual assaults. During all interviews, the MIT Police will make every effort to offer female survivors an opportunity to have a female officer present, and male officers for male survivors. In addition, the MIT Police will help a survivor, who wishes to do so, make contact with:
- Local police
- The district attorney's office for criminal prosecution and legal
- Survivor assistance
- Anonymous sexual assault reporting
*SUGGESTIONS:* Be aware of your surroundings. Program your cell phone with the MIT Police emergency number (617-253-1212). Please call this number if you become uncomfortable in any situation. DO NOT hesitate to call us. Note the locations of the emergency telephones (blue lights) on campus. Utilize them in case of an emergency. Dial *100* from an Institute telephone if you feel you're in danger. Please forward this notice to your colleagues. See Something Say Something - call the MIT Police at 617-253-1212.
Please review the MIT Annual Security and Fire Safety Report for 2017 for Streetwise suggestions.
Resources and support available for survivors of sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, and stalking
Violence Prevention & Response
Building E23-499, 24-hour Hotline: 617-253-2300, or
Violence Prevention & Response at MIT (VPR) is the Institute’s focal point to support survivors of sexual assault, people experiencing domestic or dating violence, and those with concerns around stalking and/or harassment. VPR is a confidential resource, and trained staff are available 24 hours a day to answer questions and offer help. We welcome calls from anyone on behalf of a survivor including friends, family, Residential Life staff, professors, administrators, and others.
- Explore your options
- Get medical care
- File a police report
- Find legal services
- Change your housing situation and/or class schedule
- Navigate the disciplinary process at MIT
- Connect with on- and off-campus counseling and support resources
We can also provide support to family members and friends. We know how hard it can be to know the best way to support a survivor while also taking care of yourself.
Mental Health and Counseling Service
Building E23, 3rd floor, 617-253-2916
The Mental Health and Counseling Service provides free and confidential consultation, short-term therapy, referrals, and coordination with other Institute resources with consent.
Student Support Services
Building S3 | 5-104, 617-253-4861
The Deans in Student Support Services (S3) provide support to undergraduate students dealing with a myriad of issues. This office coordinates many services available at the Institute by helping an undergraduate student obtain personal and academic support, contact Institute administrative staff and professors, take time away from the Institute, or contact the VPR victim-advocates available 24-hours a day.
The Office of Graduate Education
Building 3-138, 617-253-4860
The Office of Graduate Education provides information, reporting options, available resources, and academic support to MIT’s graduate student community.
Dean on Call Program
617-253-1212 or Dial 100 from a campus phone
Staff members from the Division of Student Life are available to students for emergency assistance after hours (from 5 p.m. until 9 a.m. on weekdays and 24 hours per day on weekends) and when the Institute is closed. To reach the Dean on Call, dial 100 from campus phones or call 617-253-1212 from a mobile phone. This extension is staffed by the MIT Police. Ask to speak to the Dean on Call.
MIT Police
Building W89, 617-253-1212 for emergencies | 617-253-2996 for non-emergencies
The MIT Police have specially trained male and female officers who investigate sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking. During all interviews, the MIT Police will make every effort to have a female officer present for female survivors, and a male officer for male survivors.
The MIT Police can provide survivors with referrals for mental health or medical assistance and resources for advocacy and planning. They can also help survivors, who wish to do so, make contact with local police and/or the district attorney’s office for criminal prosecution and legal survivor assistance.
Off-campus Services
BARCC provides free services to survivors of rape and sexual assault, including a 24-hour hotline, counseling, legal advocacy, and medical advocacy.
Call the 24-hour hotline at 800-841-8371.
Hotline: 800-656-HOPE (4673)
Call 617-661-7203 for emergency shelter and transitional and supported housing.
Dial 617-521-0100 for this multicultural organization offering a variety of services to individuals affected by domestic violence.
Contact the Massachusetts statewide 24-hour toll-free domestic violence hotline at 877-785-2020.
Dial 617-742-4911; 617-227-4911, TTY Monday through Friday, 9 a.m.–midnight; Saturday, 1 p.m.–6 p.m.; Sunday, 1 p.m.–midnight for emotional support, information, and safety planning for lesbians, bisexual women, and transgender individuals facing abuse by a partner.
Issued by
Sgt. Andrew Turco
MIT Police Department